A year or so ago, my friends and I decided to start a recipe club. We would meet once a month and the host for that month would choose the theme. Well, we took a little break due to a busy summer but now we're up and running again. We started off at Marie's house and she chose a pumpkin theme. We had pasta, soup and desserts. All of it was so good. Luckily, you have to bring a recipe for everyone of what you brought. So, since we've been doing recipe club, I've collected a lot of great recipes. And, we have a lot of great cooks in our club. It's so fun to get together and do this. We have so much fun.
Yummy, pumpkin... yay for Alyssa cooking!!
So, I want to say that we started this three or four years ago! Have fun being free as a bird on your trip!!
Ummm, are you mad at me? Are you still hurt that I dind;t have your blog on mine before Holts?!?! (BEEEEEEEEEEOCH!)
Ummm, I would really appreciate it if you fixed the link on your blog-buddies section as far as my blog is considered... because it is going to be hard navigating the Dirty 30s if it looks like you don't care about me. ;)
We'll miss you Saturday night, but I do hope you're enjoying your time in Turks and Cakes-cos. ;)hehehehe... fancy friend.
I am SO sad that I missed it! I'm glad you wrote about it so I could feel like I was there for at least a few minutes. And I must agree with Becky; the recipe club began before I moved away, so it was at least 3 1/2 to 4 years ago. I'll forgive you for forgetting that I was ever involved :)
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