Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Recipe Club

A year or so ago, my friends and I decided to start a recipe club. We would meet once a month and the host for that month would choose the theme. Well, we took a little break due to a busy summer but now we're up and running again. We started off at Marie's house and she chose a pumpkin theme. We had pasta, soup and desserts. All of it was so good. Luckily, you have to bring a recipe for everyone of what you brought. So, since we've been doing recipe club, I've collected a lot of great recipes. And, we have a lot of great cooks in our club. It's so fun to get together and do this. We have so much fun.


Nat said...

Yummy, pumpkin... yay for Alyssa cooking!!

Becky said...

So, I want to say that we started this three or four years ago! Have fun being free as a bird on your trip!!

Sabrena Suite-Mangum said...

Ummm, are you mad at me? Are you still hurt that I dind;t have your blog on mine before Holts?!?! (BEEEEEEEEEEOCH!)

Ummm, I would really appreciate it if you fixed the link on your blog-buddies section as far as my blog is considered... because it is going to be hard navigating the Dirty 30s if it looks like you don't care about me. ;)

We'll miss you Saturday night, but I do hope you're enjoying your time in Turks and Cakes-cos. ;)hehehehe... fancy friend.

Christianne said...

I am SO sad that I missed it! I'm glad you wrote about it so I could feel like I was there for at least a few minutes. And I must agree with Becky; the recipe club began before I moved away, so it was at least 3 1/2 to 4 years ago. I'll forgive you for forgetting that I was ever involved :)