Sunday, January 27, 2008

St. George

We went to St. George last weekend to see Chris's parents. We decide to take Chris's car instead of mine so Naomi and Mia had to ride next to each other. At first Naomi would kick Mia if she put her head on her carseat but after a while Naomi didn't care. And Naomi would tease Mia with her chicken nuggets. I snapped a cute picture of the two of them on the way home.

Friday, January 4, 2008

Happy Anniversary!

Don't ya love the caution tape!!
This was taken in 1995. Chris and I had just started dating. We look like we're up to no good!

On January 3rd 2002 Chris and I were sealed in the Salt Lake Temple. I always wanted a summer wedding but because we got engaged in October I didn't want to wait 9 months or more to get married. For heaven sakes we had been dating for 6 years!! The last six years of marriage have been entertaining and exciting. And I look forward to more excitement!! Chris is a great husband and father and I'm lucky to have him in my life.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Girls X-mas Party

Crazy ladies

I think Marie is going to try out for America's Next Top Pregnant Model

Tim, Christianne's hubby, showing off his killer white elephant gift

Friends forever!!

We had our annual girl Christmas party a few days ago. As always, we had a great time. The white elephants were outstanding again this year. It's to the point where we are buying them months in advance. Some of us ended up with 50 year old food storage, pregnancy tests with gum and incense, holy water that was blessed, t-shirts for men seeking men, oversized calculators, simpson chia pets, ect.. Honestly, I can't remember all of them. But it was really fun. As you can see, we spent alot of time taking pictures. There were a few girls who couldn't make it but we still had a great time!