Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Girls X-mas Party

Crazy ladies

I think Marie is going to try out for America's Next Top Pregnant Model

Tim, Christianne's hubby, showing off his killer white elephant gift

Friends forever!!

We had our annual girl Christmas party a few days ago. As always, we had a great time. The white elephants were outstanding again this year. It's to the point where we are buying them months in advance. Some of us ended up with 50 year old food storage, pregnancy tests with gum and incense, holy water that was blessed, t-shirts for men seeking men, oversized calculators, simpson chia pets, ect.. Honestly, I can't remember all of them. But it was really fun. As you can see, we spent alot of time taking pictures. There were a few girls who couldn't make it but we still had a great time!


Marie {Make and Takes} said...

AHHH, Those turned out great. I am going to have to post about it too. Jordan and I had soooo much fun. We can't wait until next year.

Kelsey said... girls are crazy :) I love the hair flipping, classic!

Laguna Girl said...

Loved the party. Thanks again for hosting. Either I was at a bad camera angle or it is a great initiative for a new years diet.

Becky said...

Oh Becca I agree, I feel like I am the pregnant one, not Marie! Or maybe I am pregnant.....