Look how cute those little ski's and boots are!
Chris took Naomi skiing this year for the first time. I was curious whether she would like it or not but she did. At first, Chris used this little leash thing that was like a backpack on her. But, by the end she didn't want it. She wanted to ski down by herself. Either her would catch her or I would. When they were connected she would tell him to go faster. So he did and one of her ski's caught and down she went. Hard. But, she got over it and continued to ski. I'm so glad she liked it because I want my kids to be open minded in lot's of activities. And, Chris is such a huge skier that I think he would hate it if his kids didn't like to ski. I don't know if Chris will have a chance to take her again this year but next year I'll join them since Naomi and I will be on the same level of skiing.
For those we don't see often I have yet to mention that I'm pregnant. I am currently 31 weeks. Due the end of May with another girl. We're really excited and nervous. This is actually my fourth pregnancy. In February of last year I went in for my 12 week appt. and there was no heartbeat. So, after a few ultrasounds it was determined that there was no embryo in the sac which they call a blighted ovum. Two days later I had a D&C and was told to wait three months before trying again. But, for some crazy reason I became pregnant about a month and a half later and because my body wasn't completely healed from the D&C I miscarried again. Luckily, this one miscarried on it's own. To make a long story short I made a very conscience effort not to get pregnant for another four months as recommended by my doctor. Plus, I had taken the first miscarriage pretty hard and having the D&C didn't help much so I needed the time to get my thoughts in order again. Lucky for me when the four months were up I felt great and what do you know, I'm prego! I'll have to admit that I am nervous about having another baby. Not only am I nervous about having a newborn again but having two kids is a little frightening. Hopefully, I'll get the hang of things quick. But, I am really excited and I'll try to kept an update until then but I wouldn't count on it.
That is SO cute!!! We're up for skiing when we're in town next week if she wants to go again. I know some other people want to go too. I can't believe you are already 31 weeks. Babies are popping out everywhere! You'll be great...just don't be too hard on the kid when she's not perfect like Naomi. On the other hand, maybe you'll get lucky and she will be perfect. Can't wait to see you.
I don't ski period. I hate the cold. If Owen shows an interest though, i'll for sure let Jesse take him. I had a blighted ovum before I had Owen, it was really a sad thing for me, we were really excited. I'm sorry that you had to go through that so many times. I'm afraid to start trying again too, I really like lifes pace with just one. Good luck and for sure keep us posted!
Wow, I can't believe she went skiing! She is braver than me :)
I'm so excited for your new little gooer. I'm so happy for you guys! It will be fantastic and I can't wait to meet her.
Your pregnancy has gone by sooooo fast! I can't believe it Lu!
I love the little skiier pics! Naomi is a natural. We will all have to go up next season. I will watch the little one while you are all on the slopes.
Congratulations!! That is awesome! I was nervous for 2 as well but you quickly get the hang of it! That is great news!
She looks like she's loving it! What a babe! :) It was so fun hanging out Saturday night. Sorry if we stayed too late but I was craving more talk time since we are husbandless these days.
Oh my goodness congratulations! I can't believe you are 31 weeks. You are going to have that new little baby girl soon! I'm so sorry to hear about you having to go through miscarriages. I can't imagine how difficult that would be, but am so happy for you that you are pregnant and that all is going well. I can't wait to meet the new little one. You guys obviously know how to make pretty beautiful girls.
Congratulations! Two is a change but, well worth it!
Well, congratulations!! If we were very good friends at all, we would have known that you were good and pregnant because we would have seen you in the last year... I can't believe you're almost due! Crazy!
Cute pic's Lys! I'm sure you'll get the hang of it, having two that is! I hope your feeling well this late in your pregnancy also.
It was sooo good to see you last Sunday! You look darling as always and that li'l Naomi is adorable. Keep posting so we know when the li'l one arrives! Good luck!
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