All summer Naomi has been obsessed with these goggles. She sought them out every day.

Playing with cousins at the Gateway fountains.

Riding the giraffe at the zoo.

Driving dad's car. She loves playing in our cars.

Swim play date with the gals and their kiddies.

Riding the train at a neighborhood mini carnival.


Showing her princess jammies that she got for her b-day. Plus, the crown.
As summer comes to an end I'm trying to do outside activities before it gets too cold. We're still swimming alot. Recently, we got together with some of my friends from high school and their kids. We ordered in Cafe Rio and let the kids swim and play. It was great! We went to the Zoo this week and as always Naomi loves the train and carousal. We finally bought a season pass so I think we'll be going alot more. Last week, my sisters neighborhood had a mini carnival with train rides, snow cones, cotton candy, dunking machine and lot's of food. Naomi had her fair share of snow cones and cotton candy and train rides. She loved it. By the end of the night, she had sticky cotton candy all over her face along with snow cone juice. Naomi's been a little talker lately. Her vocabulary has sky rocketed in the the last few weeks. I'm amazed by some of the words and sentences that she says. She still loves Diego. It's been in the car dvd for the last few months and she doesn't seem tired of watching it over and over again when we're in the car. She has been getting into Minnie Mouse. Hopefully that sticks to Halloween since I have a Minnie costume. She's obsessed with Chris's I phone. He's put some games on it so she can play with it. Maybe that will entertain her during sacrament so we won't have to chase her around everywhere. Nursery is still a challenge. She literally freaks if one of us isn't there. She loves for us to hide her Diego toy for her to find. She also likes to hide Mia's treats for Mia to find. Poor Mia. Naomi has rocked her world. Unfortunately, she still hits, especially Mia, but we're working hard on that. I vow that I won't have a mean child. Alright, sorry to bore some of you but hopefully the family members who don't get to see Naomi very much will enjoy this.