Cousins from the Neeley side

Our "best" family Easter pic

Swimming at the Jacobsen's

Swimming with dad

My mom looks crazy!
Finally, I'm posting pics from Easter. Like every year, we spent Easter in St. George. We went down a little earlier so we could spend time with Chris's parents before my family came down. The weather was so great! I actually got a little tan and it wasn't from laying out but from being outside with Naomi ALL day long! That kid loves to be outside. We went swimming, went for walks each morning and went to the playground a lot. We had a lot of fun down there. On Easter, after church, we had the kids Easter egg hunt and then my parents had an adult Easter egg hunt. Then we had brunch with waffles with whip cream and strawberries, hash browns and sausage. So good!
Later that day, Chris, Naomi and I went over to Chris's parents home and had Easter dinner with them. The next day we drove home with Chris's brother's four kids and babysat them for the week while they were in New Zealand. Watching five kids for a week was a lot of work! It's very different going from taking care of one child to five children. They're kids are good so it wasn't' that bad.