Saturday, September 6, 2008

Labor Day in S.G.

Naomi and Cameron with Grandpa Jacobsen as Orson Pratt

Naomi with cousin Cameron

Grandma and Grandpa being race horses with Naomi and Cameron

Grandma being mauled by kids and dogs


Swimming at Grandma and Grandpa Jacobsen's

Splash park downtown S.G.

Well, we traveled down to S.G. for Labor Day weekend and had a great time! We visited the splash park downtown. Unfortunately, Naomi had a melt down about five minutes after we got there. She played with her cousin Cameron alot. They played in the playroom and went swimming. On Sunday, we went fishing at a small pond. Naomi was totally into that but didn't catch anything. Since Grandma and Grandpa Jacobsen live in S.G. now they don't get to see her very often so it was nice for her to spend time with them. One night they were Naomi and Cameron's horses and had a race. Even the dogs got involved! We were sad to leave but we'll be down there soon.


Tammie said...

Looks like you guys had a blast. I have heard about that splash park in st. george. It looks like alot of fun.

Kelsey said...


Anne said...

Those are some sweet pictures. Where's my e-mail? I LOVE Nomi's hair in the Orson Pratt pic. She looks like a wonderbra model.

swensen squeeze said...

What a fun place to visit family as well as have a vacation!! When are you going to Smith's again?:)

Kendy said...

She's such a cutie! I'm glad you guys enjoyed your summer. Sounds like you had a great time. Hopefully we can get together soon and let our girls play too. :)


Megan said...

Naomi is so cute....I love her hair! It looks really thick. We need to do lunch sometime soon. See you sunday....

Wendi Bench said...

On your birthday I had to check the blog! How cute is Naomi! I can't believe how big she looks, she's just a mini teenager! Let's do lunch! XOXO

Anne said...

Where are you? Post already. We miss Naomi.

Missy said...

Naomi is so beautiful! Wow, you guys are lucky to go to St George often - I love it there! Looks like you've had a fun summer!