Grandpa and Naomi
Well, maybe pool days are here. The weather is so funky here in Utah. But, last Monday and Tuesday were definitely hot enough for the pool. My dad has had his pool open for the last two months but this is the first time we've gone swimming. We didn't know what swimming device was the best for Naomi. She's too big to sit in a floaty. And a life jacket pulls her forward or backward in the water. So, we tried floaties and they seem to work out the best. We are still teaching her how to balance in the water on her own but she's caught on very quickly. My parents pool has a a shelf for her to walk around on but from time to time she likes to go out and venture. Naturally, it makes me very nervous. She inherited Chris's adventurous side which he loves. But, I swear she has no fear with most things. After two days of swimming she was jumping to Chris, going all the way into the water! We're thinking by the end of this summer she'll probably be a pretty good swimmer!