It was such a fun Halloween this year. Naomi was excited with all the Halloween decorations that were around. She loved seeing the spiders and skeletons and ghosts on people's homes. We had ghosts hanging in our trees and she loved that. She still wouldn't sit with the witches at Gardner Village. Maybe next year. Chris took her trick or treating while I stayed home to hand out candy. They only made it about 15 minutes and then she wanted to come home. I really wanted to take her myself so I finally convinced her to go out trick or treating again. We only went to a few houses of the people we know best. By the second or third home she thought that once the candy bowl came out it was grab all she can. I had to tell her that we just take one candy. But, she loved it! And so did I. We actually ran out of candy this year. I thought sixty candy bars was enough but we had around ninety! Luckily, I had some little candies around. It's weird to think that next Halloween she'll be in preschool!
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Halloween Festivities
It was such a fun Halloween this year. Naomi was excited with all the Halloween decorations that were around. She loved seeing the spiders and skeletons and ghosts on people's homes. We had ghosts hanging in our trees and she loved that. She still wouldn't sit with the witches at Gardner Village. Maybe next year. Chris took her trick or treating while I stayed home to hand out candy. They only made it about 15 minutes and then she wanted to come home. I really wanted to take her myself so I finally convinced her to go out trick or treating again. We only went to a few houses of the people we know best. By the second or third home she thought that once the candy bowl came out it was grab all she can. I had to tell her that we just take one candy. But, she loved it! And so did I. We actually ran out of candy this year. I thought sixty candy bars was enough but we had around ninety! Luckily, I had some little candies around. It's weird to think that next Halloween she'll be in preschool!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Hawaii 2008
Grandma and Grandpa Neeley took the family to Hawaii a couple of weeks ago. I feel bad since I was a slacker on taking pictures. We had such a good time. Good weather the whole time. Naomi was hesitate of the ocean for the first couple of days but after that she loved playing in it. The kids spent a lot of time playing in the sand building castles and mermaids and digging holes. The hotel had a great set up for kids with the pools and ocean front. We were just able to chill on the lounge chairs and let them play. We visited the Temple and the BYU campus. We went to Waikiki a couple of times. And, of course, Hanauma Bay. All in all, we had a great time and I'm sad we're back to soon to be winter.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Labor Day in S.G.

Well, we traveled down to S.G. for Labor Day weekend and had a great time! We visited the splash park downtown. Unfortunately, Naomi had a melt down about five minutes after we got there. She played with her cousin Cameron alot. They played in the playroom and went swimming. On Sunday, we went fishing at a small pond. Naomi was totally into that but didn't catch anything. Since Grandma and Grandpa Jacobsen live in S.G. now they don't get to see her very often so it was nice for her to spend time with them. One night they were Naomi and Cameron's horses and had a race. Even the dogs got involved! We were sad to leave but we'll be down there soon.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Liberty Park
This past week we went to Liberty Park (twice) with some friends. My friend Kelsey invited us to a play date there last week but we couldn't go. When I saw her pics from the day it looked fun so we decided to go. I was a little hesitant since it is Liberty Park and all. But, we only encountered one crazy guy. And he was super crazy!
Naomi LOVED it! Most who know her knows she loves water. The first day we went was with Becky and Ben. We were there for two hours and both of them could of stayed another hour easily. We went again with Becca and her boys and Naomi was so excited to be there again. I'm so sad that this is the first time this year we've been. Now that summer is leaving we don't have many more days of water fun at Liberty Park. I know S.G. has something similar but smaller so we'll have to go to that when were down there.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
As summer comes to an end...
As summer comes to an end I'm trying to do outside activities before it gets too cold. We're still swimming alot. Recently, we got together with some of my friends from high school and their kids. We ordered in Cafe Rio and let the kids swim and play. It was great! We went to the Zoo this week and as always Naomi loves the train and carousal. We finally bought a season pass so I think we'll be going alot more. Last week, my sisters neighborhood had a mini carnival with train rides, snow cones, cotton candy, dunking machine and lot's of food. Naomi had her fair share of snow cones and cotton candy and train rides. She loved it. By the end of the night, she had sticky cotton candy all over her face along with snow cone juice. Naomi's been a little talker lately. Her vocabulary has sky rocketed in the the last few weeks. I'm amazed by some of the words and sentences that she says. She still loves Diego. It's been in the car dvd for the last few months and she doesn't seem tired of watching it over and over again when we're in the car. She has been getting into Minnie Mouse. Hopefully that sticks to Halloween since I have a Minnie costume. She's obsessed with Chris's I phone. He's put some games on it so she can play with it. Maybe that will entertain her during sacrament so we won't have to chase her around everywhere. Nursery is still a challenge. She literally freaks if one of us isn't there. She loves for us to hide her Diego toy for her to find. She also likes to hide Mia's treats for Mia to find. Poor Mia. Naomi has rocked her world. Unfortunately, she still hits, especially Mia, but we're working hard on that. I vow that I won't have a mean child. Alright, sorry to bore some of you but hopefully the family members who don't get to see Naomi very much will enjoy this.
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