Oh my goodness. It has been forever since I blogged! Well, let me catch you all up on what's been going since I know you're dying to know. Since my last blog was in October I'll start with Thanksgiving since I can't think of anything that went on in between. Oh, except I did turn 31! Blah! Anyway, as always we went to S.G. for Thanksgiving. This year was my family's year but we did visit Chris's parents a few times. We swam and ate out alot. The usual. My sisters, mom, niece and I went and saw Twilght for the first time while we were there. I really liked it. I've seen it three times now and each time gets cheesier. Usually we drive to Primm Nevada on Friday morning but I haven't done that since I had Naomi. I would rather shop for her than me. If you looked in her closet and then mine you would agree. The nursery ladies ask me a couple of weeks ago if I had a shoe fetish.. I tried to explain to them that there are too many cute things out there for little girls. Anyway, the only shopping I did was at Gymboree at eleven o'clock on Thanksgiving night. I waited in line for an hour for ONE pair of shoes. Crazy, I know. But, I seriously had to have them. Chris and I were able to go out just the two of us a couple of times which was awesome! Nothings better than a little one on one with the hubby after having a child.
As for the Christmas season, I tried to make the most of it. We saw Santa three times and it was the cutest think I have ever seen. The first time I thought for sure she would freak out like last year but she didn't. When is was our turn I put her on his lap and she said, "Hi Santa." And when he asked her what she wanted for Christmas she said presents. The look on her face when she first met him was priceless.
She loved looking at all the houses with lights on them. We took her to this house in Murray where he has the music with the lights and totally decorated and she loved that! She loved playing in the snow. She always wanted to go outside and play in the snow. One day Chris made her a snowman and she asked him to make her a Dora.
On Christmas Eve we were at my parents and had just finished dinner and my dad dressed up in his Santa suit and passed by the window a couple of times. Obviously, the kids were giddy. Naomi was for sure. On Christmas morning we asked her if Santa came and when she say her presents she said, "YES". This year a purposely scaled back knowing that she was going to get plenty from the grandparents so her "big" gift from "Santa" was an easel. I figured since she is always drawing on Chris's dry erase board in his office she would like her own. It was a great gift except that not only does she use the marker on the board but also the windows, the carpet, her body and Mia. All of her presents were wrapped in Dora paper so when people asked her if Santa came she would tell them she got Dora presents. We also gave her a few little things as well but it was simple for sure. Then we went down to my parents and did Christmas there too. Present overload! Her big gift from them was a super cute doll house. It's funny to watch her play with it because she's putting the kids in time out and playing similar to how life is around our house.
The next day we headed to S.G. to spend time with Chris's family. All of his siblings were there so that was really nice. We had Christmas there as well and it was also present overload. Naomi's big gift from them was a trampoline. Not the big one that goes in your backyard. It's a perfect sized trampoline for little kids. Right now it's crammed in the playroom but when it gets warmer we'll put it outside. We had a really good time there. I just wish the weather was warmer. I always enjoy spending time with all my in laws. The sis in laws went out few times together and Chris spent time with his brothers.
Last but not least, we spent New Year's Eve up at my parents cabin in Oakley. We had the snowmobiles pull us with tubes and some tried to snowboard behind it but the snow was too deep. Naomi loved being pulled on the tube. We had soup and hot chocolate and played Rock Band and laid by the fire. We had alot of fun! It was a great holiday season! Now into this year of 2009. It's going to be a fun and busy year.