Neeley family at Waikiki.

Hanauma Bay

Playing in the ocean in front of the hotel.

Dukes. Last time I was here was with my friends about 8 or 9 years ago. Good times!

Naomi, Emmye and Elly. Cute girls.

Chris digging a hole for the kids. They eventually found a crab. Notice Josh in the background getting his tan on.

Naomi drawing her name in the sand.

For the first few days she kept an eye on the water making sure it wasn't going to get up to her.

Naomi's favorite. Dad throwing her up in air and letting her splash down in the water,

Naomi and Kolton. By this time she was fine with sitting in the water and actually had fun!

Hanauma Bay.

Amy with the kids.

Smiles. She had so much fun playing in the sand and water.

Grandpa covered Naomi and Elly in sand. They loved it!

In front of the temple. She kept picking the flowers but they looked cute in her hair.
Grandma and Grandpa Neeley took the family to Hawaii a couple of weeks ago. I feel bad since I was a slacker on taking pictures. We had such a good time. Good weather the whole time. Naomi was hesitate of the ocean for the first couple of days but after that she loved playing in it. The kids spent a lot of time playing in the sand building castles and mermaids and digging holes. The hotel had a great set up for kids with the pools and ocean front. We were just able to chill on the lounge chairs and let them play. We visited the Temple and the BYU campus. We went to Waikiki a couple of times. And, of course, Hanauma Bay. All in all, we had a great time and I'm sad we're back to soon to be winter.